About Conference
The 4th International Conference on Modern Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, March 5-7, 2021 in Berlin, Germany aims to bring together academia, researchers and scholars to exchange information and share experiences and research results about all aspects of specialized and interdisciplinary fields. This event provides an opportunity for all to network, share ideas and present their research to a worldwide community. Discussion on the latest innovations, trends and practical concerns and challenges faced in these fields are also encouraged.
March 5-7, 2021 in to be held Berlin, Germany
Important Dates
Participation Opportunities
First visit to Berlin
Berlin is not only the capital of Germany, but also in many ways the capital of Europe, sitting at the crossroads of the East and West. Germany serves as the continent’s largest economy and the world’s fourth largest overall. It’s a major player in industry, engineering, science, and renewable energy, and Berlin has recently been dubbed the start-up capital of Europe.
It’s a country known for its rich culture, world-famous festivals, beautiful landscape, and war-torn history. By occupying such an important place in the political, economic, and cultural worlds, Germany – Berlin in particular – make for a compelling study abroad destination.
We would also like to offer the participants a one-day city tour free of charge. Great chance for participants to mingle around as well as appreciate the largest and most historically city of Berlin with its famous buildings, architecture and rich culture. Your experience of Berlin will not be completed until you pay a visit the most famous monuments and sights include Reichstag Building, Berlin Wall Memorial, Museum Island, Berlin Television Tower, Checkpoint Charlie.. More information about the tour will be given during the event. Organizing committee will offer the participants a city tour free of charge.
Paper Publication Opportunity
- All accepted research papers will be published and indexed in the conference proceedings.
- Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Cross Ref.
- The proceedings shall be submitted to Google Scholar for Indexing.
- The Conference Proceedings will be published with an ISBN in a soft form.
- All papers have publication opportunity in ISI and Scopus indexed journals.
- All papers have publication opportunity in various indexed international journal.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference Proceeding ISBN 978-609-485-123-0. All full papers sent for conference proceedings will be accepted through a double blind review process and will be published electronically in proceedings with a DOI number.